Comments, updates, or suggestions are welcome: contact us.
- Professor Drennan’s course Principles of Chemical Science added to MIT’s OpenCourseWare
- Professor Drennan featured at SBGrid consortium
- Professor Drennan’s iBioSeminar on Metalloproteins: Introduction, Medicine, and the environment
- Figures of molecules and/or electron density:
- Examples of various formats with scripts
- Introduction on making images using O with examples
- See also Software two sections below
- Stereo images using Molscript or Ribbons
- Interactive Structure Factor Tutorial
- International Union of Crystallography
- Multiple Anomalous Dispersion (MAD):
- MAD theory and literature
- Scaling of MAD data by Philip R. Evans
- Protein Stereochemistry Analysis:
- Bacteriorhodopsin
- Data Reduction from Twinned RNA Crystals (ACA abstract)
- SHELX97 also deals with twinning
- Cambridge Structure Database (CCDC)
- DALI (protein structure comparison)
- Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP)
- BRENDA Enzyme Database
- Heavy-Atom Databank
- ModBase – Database of comparative protein structure models
- Nucleic Acid Database
- Protein DataBank (PDB): <search>
- RELIBase (ligand search in PDB)
- CCP4; its wiki and its Newsletter; CCP4 bulletin board
- CHIME (web page interactive manipulation of macromolecules)Crystallography & NMR Software (CNS)
- CNS_solve 1.3 (Yale University site)
- DPS-MOSFLM (Data Processing Suite from Purdue Univ.)
- ESPOIR (reverse Monte Carlo with powder diffr. data)
- FINDNCS – NCS finding from heavy atom sites
- Gimp
- ImageMagick
- MAR-Research & software
- Molscript
- MOSFLM and its user manual
- Protein-Protein Interaction Server
- Rasmol
- Raster3D
- Structure factor tutorial
- Swiss-PdbViewer Art Gallery
- Setup
- Native
- Patterson Map
- Anomalous Difference Patterson Map
- Isomorphous Difference Patterson Map
- Phasing, Density Modification, & Electron Density Map Calculation
- Chi Squared Test with Isomorphous data
- Chi Squared Test on Anomalous Data
– – – IUCr list of Software – – –
Books on Crystallography
Crystal Structure Analysis – Jenny Pickworth Gluster and Kenneth N. Trueblood – ISBN # 0-19-503531-3
Crystallography Made Crystal Clear – Gale Rhodes – ISBN # 0-12-587072-8
Crystallization of Nucleic Acids and Proteins – A. Ducruix and R. Giege’ – ISBN # 0-19-963245-6
Introduction to Crystallography – Donald E. Sands – ISBN # 0-486-67839-3
Methods in Enzymology Vol 114 Diffraction Methods for Biological Macromolecules – ISBN # 0-12-182015-7
Methods in Enzymology Vol 276 Macromolecular Crystallography, Part A – ISBN # 0-12-182177-3
Methods in Enzymology Vol 277 Macromolecular Crystallography, Part B – ISBN # 0-12-182178-1
Practical Protein Crystallography – 2nd Ed – Duncan E. McRee – ISBN # 0-12-486052-4
Principles of Protein X-Ray Crystallography – 2nd Ed – Jan Drenth – ISBN # 0-387-98587-5
Protein Crystallization: Techniques, Strategies, and Tips – Terese M. Bergfors – ISBN # 0-9636817-5-3
Symmetry and Structure – S. F. A. Kettle – ISBN # 0-471-90501-1 (Cloth) / ISBN # 0-471-90705-7 (Paperback)
The Development of X-Ray Analysis – Sir Lawrence Bragg – ISBN # o-486-67316-2
Theory of X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals – William H. Aachariasen – ISBN # 0-486-68363-X
Vectors and Tensors in Crystallography – Donald E. Sands – ISBN # 0-486-68505-5
X-Ray Diffraction – B. E. Warren – ISBN # 0-486-66317-5
X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals, Imperfect Crystals and Amorphous Bodies – A. Guiner – ISBN # 0-486-68011-8
ALS (Berkeley)
CHESS (Ithaca)
DESY, Hasylab (Hamburg)
Elettra (Trieste)
ESRF (Grenoble)
KEK (Tsukuba)
SPring-8 (Hyogo)
SSRL (Stanford)
Biology / Genetics
- Brutlag (Bioinformatics)
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Molecular Biology Core Facility
- EMBL-Heidelberg
- GCG manual
- Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment (part of Science online)
- Visual embryos
- A Bacterial Primer
- American Type Culture Collection
- E. coli Genetic Stock Center
- E. coli Genome Center
- Salmonella Genetic Stock Center
- Who’s who amongst bacteria: (up-to-date)
- E. coli metabolism
- Enzyme Datasheets:Wortington Catalog’sSWISS-PORT search
- Camilla Kao web page with genomics links
- Comparative genomics:
- DNA microarray & Data analysis:
- ArrayExpress Database
- ATGC Consortium
- ExpressDB Information Page (John Aach and Wayne Rindone, Harvard Univ.)
- George Church lab (Harvard Med. School)
- M-Guide: Pat Brown’s manual to build and use a microarrayer
- Microarray & Data Analysis (Wentian Li, Rockefeller Univ.)
- National Cancer Institute
- Owen, Art (Reports, course descriptions etc)
- Pat Brown’s lab (which includes the microarrayer)
- Puces-ADN (Server at the CNRS, France)
- Research Genetics
- Seigel-C Protocols
- GeneCensus Genome Comparison
- (DNA Microarrays)
- Sanger Sequencing Center
- Codon usage of about 5000 organisms
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Molecular Biology Core Facility
- GCG manual
- Restriction Enzyme Database REBASE (New England Biolab):. Comprehensive Enzyme list
- BOXSHADE (Presentation of sequence alignment)
- ExPasy and SwissProt
- Multiple Sequence Alignment
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
- ORF’s Finder at NCBI
- pI and M.W. (calculated)
- ProSAL (Protein Sequence Analysis Launcher)
- SeqAnalRef
- Deletion Project
- MicroArrayer at Pat Brown’s lab
- Saccharomyces Genome Database
- Yeast gene duplications
- ExPASy and SwissProt
- Litterature:
- Entrez
- Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) (Also look at Web of science (part of Science Citation Index))
- PubMed
- Material Safety Data Sheets (searchable)
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (N.C.B.I.)
- Restriction Enzyme Database: Comprehensive Enzyme listwithin REBASE
- Web of science (part of Science Citation Index)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Cancer Society
- American Chemical Society
- American Society for Microbiology
- British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
- Canadian Federation of Biological Societies
- Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
- National Academy of Sciences
- Pittsburgh Diffraction Society