Congrats Gerardo!

Congrats to Gerardo for being invited to give talk at the 11th New England Cryo-EM Symposium!

Congrats to Alison!

Congrats to Alison on her PNAS paper titled “Capturing a methanogenic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase complex via cryogenic electron microscopy”!

Congrats to Dana and Paty!

Congrats to Dana and Paty on their PNAS paper titled “2.6-Å resolution cryo-EM structure of a class Ia ribonucleotide reductase trapped with mechanism-based inhibitor N3CDP”!

Congrats Naike!

Congrats Naike for his recently published paper “A single diiron enzyme catalyses the oxidative rearrangement of tryptophan to indole nitrile”!

Congrats Gisele!

Congrats to Gisele on the publication of her paper in Biochemistry on allosteric regulation of E. coli class Ia RNR!

Congrats Dana!

Congrats to Dana for their poster talk at the Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions GRC!

Congrats Cathy!

Congrats to Cathy for her Keynote at the Molecular basis of microbial One-carbon Metabolism GRS!

Congrats Andrea!

Congrats to Andrea for her excellent talk at the Molecular basis of microbial One-carbon Metabolism GRS!

Congrats Naike!

Congratulations to Naike Ye on his excellent talk at the Metallocofactors GRS!

Congrats Balyn and Delight!

Congratulations to Drennan lab UROP students Balyn Brotheridge and Delight Nweneka on receiving their Bachelor’s Degrees in Course 7 and 6-7, respectively.

Congrats Cathy!

Congratulations to Cathy on receiving the 2024 Everett Moore Baker Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching from MIT!

Congrats Cathy!

Congratulations to Cathy on her induction into the National Academy of Sciences!

Congrats Alison!

Congratulations to Dr. Alison Biester for successfully defending her PhD!

Congratulations to Sheena!

Congratulations to Sheena for her recent publication, “Structural and biochemical investigations of a HEAT-repeat protein involved in the cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly pathway”!

Congrats Gisele and Alison!

Congrats to Gisele Andree on receiving a Student Group Presidents’ Award from the Department of Chemistry at MIT and to Alison Biester on receiving a Leadership Award from the Department of Chemistry at MIT.

Congratulations to Francesca

Congratulations to Francesca for defending her PhD and for her PNAS publication, “Structure of metallochaperone in complex with the cobalamin-binding domain of its target mutase provides insight into cofactor delivery.”

Congratulations Francesca

Congratulations to Francesca on her review, “The role of nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase metallochaperones in making metalloenzymes.” in Metallomics.

Congratulations Cathy

Congrats to Cathy on being invited to speak at the Nobel Symposium on Bioinorganic Chemistry (May 2022)

Congratulations to Abby

Congratulations to Abby on winning the Association of MIT Alumnae (AMITA) Senior Academic Award (May 2022)

Congrats to Mary

Congrats to Mary Andorfer for accepting an assistant professor position at Michigan State University

Congratulations to Talya

Congratulations to Talya on her recent publication, “Ribonucleotide reductase, a novel drug target for gonorrhea.” DOI: 10.7554/eLife.67447

Congratulations to Alison

Congratulations to Alison on her recent publication, “Visualizing the gas channel of a monofunctional carbon monoxide dehydrogenase.” DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2022.111774

Congratulations to Talya on her publication!

Congratulations to Talya on her publication in the Journal of Structural Biology, “Effects of chameleon dispense-to-plunge speed on particle concentration, complex formation, and final resolution: A case study using the Neisseria gonorrhoeae ribonucleotide reductase inactive complex.”

Lindsey Backman’s poster award

Congratulations to Lindsey Backman on winning the Joe Wong Poster Award at this week’s SSRL Users’ Meeting, Metals in Biology workshop.

Paty’s ACS Omega paper

Congratulations to Paty Feliciano for her ACS Omega paper, Crystal Structure of the [4Fe–4S] Cluster-Containing Adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate Reductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Congrats, Phoebe and Lindsey

Congratulations to Phoebe Li on receiving the Association of MIT Alumnae’s Senior Academic Award, for “demonstrating the highest level of academic excellence through her coursework and related professional activities at MIT.” And Congratulations to Lindsey Backman on being named an MIT Hugh Hampton Young Fellow.

Yay, Mira & Christa!

We’re excited that Mira May and Christa Imrich will be coming to MIT for grad school (Bio & Chem, respectively) this fall. They were both MSRP-Bio summer students in our lab.

Research Slam congratulations to Lindsey & Kelsey!

At the March 29 Research Slam, Lindsey won both first place in the Judge’s award and the Audience Choice award for grad students (“Why does Poop Smell Bad?”), and Kelsey won the Audience Choice award for postdocs (“Avenging Our Immune System”).

Congrats to Luis, Mira, Gisele

Congratulations to former Drennan lab MSRP students Luis Caldera and Mira May and current Drennan lab graduate student Gisele Andrée on receiving NSF awards and/or honorable mention from the NSF. Way to go!

Congratulations on Rohan’s paper

Rohan Jonnalagadda’s paper, “Biochemical and crystallographic investigations into isonitrile formation by a nonheme iron-dependent oxidase/decarboxylase,” is out in Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Percy’s paper in Nature Chemical Biology

Congratulations to Percy Yang-Ting Chen for his publication in Nature Chemical Biology, “Structural Basis for Non-Radical Catalysis by TsrM, a Radical SAM Methylase.” Available here or here (view-only but open access).  

Cathy Drennan, AAAS Fellow

Congratulations to Cathy on being elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. AAAS announcement here, and MIT’s here.

Welcome Dana Westmoreland

We’re very happy to welcome Dana Westmoreland as a new postdoc in the Drennan lab. Dana joins us from Northwestern University.

Many congratulations

Congratulations to Francesca Vaccaro, Gisele Andrée, and Steve Cohen on receiving the Department of Chemistry’s Award for Outstanding Service, and to Francesca for her Kirschstein Fellowship from the NIH.

Paper highlighted, Women in Biological Chemistry

The Drennan lab paper “Disruption of an Oligomeric Interface Prevents Allosteric Inhibition of Escherichia coli Class Ia Ribonucleotide Reductase” has been included in the Journal of Biological Chemistry‘s special issue, “Women in Biological Chemistry,” which brings together Editors’ Picks papers to commemorate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote in the U.S.

Gilliam awardees from our lab

Congratulations to current Drennan lab grad student Sheena Vasquez and former Drennan lab MSRP/EXROP student Santi Yori on receiving the prestigious Gilliam Fellowship from HHMI.

Welcome Kelsey Miller

We’re very happy to welcome Kelsey Miller as a new postdoc in the Drennan lab. Kelsey joins us from the University of California, Irvine.

Publications this week

Congratulations to Steve Cohen and former Drennan lab member Elizabeth Wittenborn on their papers published this week in JACS and ACS Catalysis, respectively (links on our Publications page).

Congratulations to Dr. Dawson!

Congratulations to Dr. Dawson on his successful thesis defense, March 16. We were glad to be able to at least join him virtually.

Congratulations to Abby!

Congratulations to undergrad Abby Scott for her induction into MIT’s Laureates and Leaders program as a member of the cohort of 2022!