Publications and Press

Online Education Publications/Resources

TEDxMIT “Being Differently Abled is my Superpower” (2023)

7.InT: Inclusive Teaching Module (2022)

Drennan (2014) Freshman Chemistry Lectures

Short Videos to Show the Value of Chemistry to Solving the World’s Problems

Drennan lab member Elizabeth Taylor Hosted Unit 5 of the Annenberg Learner Series “Making Molecules” 

Cathy Drennan Hosted Unit 11 of the Annenberg Learner Series “The Metallic World” 

Drennan’s three-lecture series: “Snapshots of Metalloproteins” for iBiology: Bringing the World’s Best Biology to You.

Drennan at Dyslexic Advantage (2015)

Drennan at Dyslexia Quest Podcast (2018)


Anderson WA, Amasino RM, Ares M Jr, Banerjee U, Bartel B, Corces VG, Drennan CL, Elgin SC, Epstein IR, Fanning E, Guillette LJ Jr, Handelsman J, Hatfull GF, Hoy RR, Kelley D, Leinwand LA, Losick R, Lu Y, Lynn DG, Neuhauser C, O’Dowd DK, Olivera T, Pevzner P, Richards-Kortum RR, Rine J, Sah RL, Strobel SA, Walker GC, Walt DR, Warner IM, Wessler S, Willard HF, Zare RN. (2011)  Competencies: a cure for pre-med curriculum. Science. 11:334(6057):760-1.  Full text

Anderson WA, Banerjee U, Drennan CL, Elgin SC, Epstein IR, Handelsman J, Hatfull GF, Losick R, O’Dowd DK, Olivera BM, Strobel SA, Walker GC, Warner IM. (2011) Science
education. Changing the culture of science education at research universities. Science. 14:331(6014):152-3.  Full text

Taylor, EMV, Fortune JA,  Drennan, CL (2010) A research-inspired laboratory sequence investigating acquired drug resistance. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 38(4): 247-52. Full text

Taylor, EMV, Drennan, CL (2010) Redox chemistry and hydrogen bonding in drug design: Using human health examples to inspire your high school chemistry students. Chem 13 News, 377: 9.

Taylor, EV, Mitchell, R, Drennan, CL (2009). Creating an Interdisciplinary Introductory Chemistry Course without Time-Intensive Curriculum Changes. ACS Chem Biol. 4(12):979-982. Full text

Taylor, EV, Mitchell, R, Drennan, CL (2009) TA Training Bootcamp Reinforces Curriculum Innovations and Improves Recitation Experience in Freshman Chemistry. MIT Faculty Newsletter. 21(4):22-24.

Taylor, EMV, Drennan, CL (2007) Bringing the Excitement of Biological Research into the Chemistry Classroom at MIT. ACS Chem. Biol. 2(8):515-517.  Full text

Press about the Drennan HHMI
Education Laboratory

MIT Spectrum (2016, fall).  Dynamic System.

Grove, J.  (2015, September 9). 10 Habits for a Successful Postdoc.  Times Higher Education

Department of Chemistry (2015, February 13). Freshman “Chemistry Clicker” Champions Named. MIT News

Smaglik, P. (2015, February 5).  Fresh perspective: Undergraduate researchers can boost a lab’s energy and work, but need help to flourish.  Nature 518:127-128.

Dreifus, C. (2013, September 2). Ideas for Improving Science Education. New York Times.

Dizikes, P. (2012, September 21). Innovation in the classroom: ‘Future of Education’ symposium, held before the inauguration of President L. Rafael Reif, examines the evolution of teaching and learning. MIT News.

Wang, L. (2012) Shaking up the status quo. Chemical and Engineering News. 90(37):53-55.

Grant, R. (2011, November 23) Section Head profile: Cathy Drennan. The F1000 Blog.

Cullinane, M. (2011, April 26) Afterhours with Beth Taylor. The Tech, p.9.

Cullinane, M. (2011, March 8) Afterhours with Cathy Drennan. The Tech, p.8.

Dugan, D. (2010, May 20) MIT awarded 3 HHMI grants to promote excellence in science education: Drennan, Walker named HHMI Professors. MIT News.

(2009, December 18) Biology examples give MIT students a new perspective on chemistry. HHMI News.

Widner, A. (2009) Enhancing TA performance. HHMI Bulletin. 22(4):31-33, 48.

WGBH Educational Foundation (Producer). (2009) Chemist and Biologist Cathy Drennan (Video).


Drennan, C.L. (2018) Herschbach Lecture in Education at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Drennan, C.L. (2018) King Education Lecture, Northeastern University, Evanston, IL

Drennan, C.L. (2019) Jean Dreyfus Lectureship at Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA

Drennan, C.L. (2020) Kolthoff Lectureship, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Drennan, C.L. (2022) “Digging Deep” Seminar on Resilience, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Drennan, C.L. (2023) “Is the Classroom Lecture Becoming Extinct or Simply Evolving?” U. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Drennan, C.L. (2018)  Inclusive Pedagogies: Fostering a Vibrant Community of Learners at MIT, MacVicar Day Symposium, Cambridge, MA

Drennan, C.L. (2017) Bringing the Who, What and Why into the Chemistry Classroom.  Carleton College, Northfield, MN.

Drennan, C.L. (2017) Is the Classroom Lecture becoming Extinct or Simply Evolving? California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.

Drennan, C.L (2017) What Every Teacher and Mentor Should Know. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

Drennan, C.L. (2016) Does Diversity-Training Work? Keynote Speaker, BioXFEL Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Drennan, C.L. (2016) Active Learning as part of “From Hand to Mind:  Advances in Evidence-Based-Teaching.” MacVicar Day, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

Drennan, C.L (2016) What Every Teacher and Mentor Should Know. Keynote Address, Cottrell Scholar Conference, Tucson, AZ.

Drennan, C.L. (2015) Is the Classroom Lecture becoming Extinct or Simply Evolving?  Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, Tufts University, Somerville, MA.

Drennan, C.L. (2015) Setting the Stage. Annual Meeting of HHMI Professors, Chevy Chase, MD.

Drennan, C.L. (2015) Does Diversity-Training Work? American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Drennan, C.L. (2014) Bringing the Who, What and Why into the Chemistry Classroom. Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.

Drennan, C.L. (2014) Re-thinking Freshman Chemistry.  American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Drennan, C.L. (2014) In the Age of Online Learning, is the Classroom Lecture becoming Extinct or Simply Evolving? Pubtalk as part of Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship at Willamette University, Salem, OR.

Drennan, C.L. (2013) Re-thinking Freshman Chemistry. 2013 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology HOPES Workshop, Boston, MA.

Drennan, C.L. (2013) Simple Strategies for Bringing Biology and Medicine into Introductory Chemistry.  AAAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Drennan, C.L. (2013)  Is the Classroom Lecture becoming Extinct or Simply Evolving? Graduate Science Education Seminar Series at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

Drennan, C.L. (2013) Bringing the Who and Why into the Chemistry Classroom. Lecture presented to chemistry instructors and teachers at the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers Annual Conference. Easton, MA.

Olivier-Mason, A., Vogel Taylor, E., Drennan, C.L. (2013) Bringing the Who and Why into the Chemistry Classroom. Lecture presented to high school teachers at the Summer Science Institute. Dover, MA.

Drennan, C.L. (2013) Bringing the Who and Why into the Chemistry Classroom. Lecture presented to high school science teachers at the MIT Science and Engineering Program for Teachers. Cambridge, MA.

Olivier-Mason, A., Taylor E.V., Drennan, C.L. (2013) TA Bootcamp: Preparing Graduate Students to Teach to a Diverse Student Body and Get the Most Out of their Teaching Experience. Lecture presented at the HHMI Education Group Meeting at MIT. Cambridge, MA.

Drennan, C.L. (2012) Is the Lecture Becoming Extinct or Simply Evolving? Lecture presented at the MIT Presidential Inauguration Symposia. Cambridge, MA.

Drennan, C.L. (2011) Strategies for Teaching in Classrooms with Ever Increasing Diversity. Lecture presented at the HHMI MIT Education Group Seminar. Cambridge, MA.

Taylor E.V., Drennan, C.L. (2011) Complimenting the General Chemistry Curriculum with Vignettes from Biology, Medicine, and Energy Research. Lecture for Purdue Chemical Education Seminar. West Lafayette, IN.

Taylor E.V., Drennan, C.L. (2011) Bringing Biology and Medicine into Introductory Chemistry without Time-Intensive Curriculum Changes. Lecture presented at the Gordon Research Conference. Davidson, NC.

Mitchell R., Taylor E.V., Drennan, C.L. (2011) Impact of TA Training on Graduate Students’ Recitation Teaching in Freshman Chemistry at MIT. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Mitchell R., Taylor E.V., Drennan, CL.  (2010) Assessment of the Impact of an Innovative Teaching Assistant Training Program on TA Teaching In Freshman Chemistry Recitations. Poster presented at the American Chemical Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

Drennan, CL. (2009) Getting Biologists Excited about Chemistry. Lecture presented at the HHMI Conference. Chevy Chase, MD.

Taylor E.V., Drennan, C.L. (2009) Exciting Students about Chemistry with Examples from Biology and Medicine: Brief in-class examples for the general chemistry classroom. Lecture presented at the ChemEd Conference. Radford, VA.

Taylor, E.V., Drennan, C.L. (2009) Illuminating Biology Connections in the General Chemistry Classroom. Poster presented at American Chemical Society Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.